The gentle art of enabling team progress

Infinitive MindLife - Training and Facilitation - Enabling Team Progress

Training & Facilitation is the art of helping groups of people engage constructively with one another. It is a gentle art of influencing the flow and energy in a group engagement so that individual & group outcomes can be achieved…outcomes that spring from the individual’s contributions and efforts, not from external coercion.

While many business managers and leaders are good facilitators, it is often beneficial to bring in an external facilitator who is:

  • neutral, unbiased & non-partisan
  • not affected by the group outcomes
  • expert at best practice facilitative methodologies
  1. Facilitative Training: In situations where the focus is on the development of specific skills we conduct trainings. Our trainings are of experiential nature by addressing the varying learning needs through rich content and interactive delivery. We facilitate both your own training programs or develop training programs to your needs.
  2. Group Facilitation: There are many situations when an external facilitator can add great value. This can be for situations such as kicking off and setting the agenda for company events, or for breaking team deadlock and reaching a critical team decision. In our work as facilitators the focus is on creating a safe environment for a group to focus its energy towards the desired outcomes.

Let me design a program that works for you

Contact us now for a free introduction session.