Tackle The Barriers to Real Transformation

Infinitive MindLife - Managing Change - Tackle the Barriers

Change and transformation is an ever-present force in life. In business, the ability to anticipate, manage, guide or mitigate change is critical both for survival and competitiveness. In personal life too, the initiating and managing change with skill is essentially one’s ability to deal with an ever more complex world, and a major factor related to success and well-being.

As with anything in life, improving one’s ability to manage a particular subject, one must first understand:

  • the subject as it relates to the situation,
  • one’s own position in relation to the subject, and
  • the dynamics of all other relevant factors and players involved.

In the management schools as well as in academic and business literature, there are countless approaches for conceptualizing and managing change & transformation. Many of these approaches & frameworks deal with organizational, strategic or process-driven change.

My approach is different: as a boutique people development practice, my focus is at the personal as well as group/team level. I view change as a force to be understood and influenced at the level of the individual before dynamics of greater complexity, be it at team or organizational level, can be tackled successfully and sustainably.

I believe strongly in the development potential of each individual, including the capacity for change and transformation. Before effective action can be taken though, we must understand ourselves better. Armed with a better understanding of how we experience and deal with change at the psychological and individual level, we can then focus on developing those skills, habits and behaviors that can really make a difference – as individuals, in teams and at the organizational level.

Research in psychology and the other social sciences suggests the following: some aspects of change are unique to our own personalities, while others are quite common and shared among all of us. My own experience confirms this – and so I use a mix of frameworks and tools to improve our understanding of ourselves and others as we relate to change:

MBTI, for example, teaches us about our own psychological preferences and those of others, and how these affect our capacity for change.

The ‘Immunity to Change’ framework looks at the common underlying barriers to personal change, our emotional responses to attempting and failing at change, and the ‘hidden competing commitments’ that make real change so difficult. It then helps us to reconfigure our emotional ecology in a way that frees us to see ourselves and change more clearly, and that allows us to practice the questioning and behaviors which foster the desired transformation.

about mbti
Infinitive MindLife - Managing Change - Individual Development

Coaching elevates these frameworks into an ongoing initiative for reaching concrete personal, career or managerial goals. Supported by your coach, you will work on realistic goals, develop an action plan, and get regular support in overcoming obstacles, considering and applying the newly acquired concepts and staying on track towards the your transformation objectives.

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